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What Is the Goal of HIT3 High-Intensity Training? By John Robert Cardillo

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John Robert Cardillo

John travelled the world to learn the best training and nutrition principles and trained alongside top pro bodybuilders at Gold's Gym California. He was a student of Arthur Jones, inventor of Nautilus and Medx Fitness machines, and the pioneer of hi-intensity training. John developed the HIT3 Training System, which transformed his physique to win countless bodybuilding competitions at just 18 years of age! He was also the first bodybuilder to utilize Faradic Electric Muscle Stimulation in his training and intermittent fasting during his competition prep. John’s SHREDDED Nutrition Diet helped him build one of the most shredded physiques of all time. His diet program incorporates fasting and nutrient timing to help athletes build lean muscle while losing body fat.

The meaning of “intensity” is the effort being exerted to perform a specific task. The meaning of “Hi-Intensity Training” is the extreme degree of all-out effort being exerted against heavy resistance during the performance of an exercise. I personally believe this is the single most effective method of increasing muscular size and strength.

How to Train This Way

The goal of HIT3 Hi-Intensity Training is to perform an exercise until the muscle being worked reaches absolute failure or extreme exhaustion in the concentric, eccentric and static phase of each set. A well-thought-out high-intensity workout ensures that the minimum amount of exercise will produce the maximum amount of growth. It’s impossible to increase muscular size and improve strength by performing an exercise with a weight that you were already capable of easily lifting. You must constantly attempt what is nearly impossible for your muscles to do unless you reach deep down and apply maximum effort. Going beyond what you even think you can do is the key to making the best gains in the shortest period of time. Such efforts will lead to momentary muscular failure and exhaustion. The last “hard to perform” reps result in the most growth stimulation and are the most worthwhile reps for building new muscle. Those reps are what HIT3 Hi-Intensity Training is about.

Build More Muscle in Less Time

The main goal of HIT3 training is to induce the highest degree of growth stimulation in the minimum amount of time. Once a muscle has been trained to total failure by HIT3 training, more exercise will be counterproductive and will actually slow down muscular growth and strength increases. In order to train this way, you must accept the fact that you’re going to have to push every set of every exercise beyond your typical pain threshold. The reps performed within the pain barrier produce more muscular growth stimulus than any previously performed repetitions of that set. But some people don’t have what it takes to train this hard, and, as a result, they never achieve their true potential. You must be totally motivated to progressively increase the resistance and repetitions in every set of every exercise of every workout. You must dig down and create the highest level of intensity to stimulate maximum growth in the shortest time possible. For more information on HIT3 training, check out the following articles:

For more info on John Cardillo, check out his website at johnrobertcardillo.com or right here at Muscle Insider at John Cardillo.

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